Jakarta | Friday, 08 June 2012 | Herman Sina
Lewat Lukisan, Iwan Suhaya Ajak Kembali ke Alam Jurnas.com | MELUKIS tumbuhan dan binatang, nampaknya kian konsisten diterapkan pelukis Iwan Suhaya. Saat menggelar pameran bertemakan "Menggapai impian" di Hotel Burubudur selama sebulan, mulai 1 Juni lalu sampai 31 Juni mendatang, sekitar 30 karyanya didominasi oleh lukisan flora, dan fauna, terutama ikan Koi. "Memang, inspirasi utamanya dari alam, sehingga saya ingin mengajak semua untuk kembali ke alam," ujar Iwan kepada wartawan, di Jakarta, Jum'at (8/6). Menurutnya, orang harus menampilkan sesuatu yang beda, demikian pun dalam seni. Memang, selama lebih dari 20 tahun eksis dalam dunia senirupa Indonesia, Iwan yang pernah menimba pendidikan senirupa di ISI Jogyakarta, telah memantapkan dirinya untuk melukis flora fauna dan ikan koi. "Ya, semoga lewat karya seni ini, bisa tercapai sebuah pesan, misalnya untuk pendidikan," kata Iwan. Ia berharap, semoga dengan lukisan-lukisan yang bertemakan alam, siapa pun bisa memetik manfaatnya untuk mencintai kekayaan alam Indonesia. Nantinya, Iwan akan menggelar pameran lagi setelah pameran kali ini. "Berikutnya kita gelar di Surabaya, setelah lebaran," ujarnya.
Inspired by flora and fauna d fauna because they are honest; they are what they seem,” he explained, when the ZES team met him at his house-studio in Depok, “More over, those elements make me feel more connected to the universe.” Iwan, who has been a painter since 20 years ago had produced many realistic painters (3D).
Differ from ordinary paints, Iwan’s paint able to present the pictures that seem so real and looks alike emerge fr om the frame. Since 1996, he had implemented the integrated-frame technique which made the pictures on the paint as united pieces of art with the frame. He believes, the frame itself is also the media to express his imagination.
Iwan had his first opportunity for solo exhibition in 1998, at Persenibud building in Jakarta. The event itself was opened by Minister of Culture and Tourism, Mr. Marzuki Usman. Since then, his self confidence become stronger to create and improve more paints technique in the future.
Batik technique
One of his strong uniqueness that difficult to be imitated by other painters is his ability in creating batik technique. He implements this technique to almost all his painting. This technique consists of some steps. At first, he draws preliminary objects dominated by dark colors, which seems like batik motives. Then, he will paint his imaginative object.
Iwan, the husband of Cut Inna, admits that most of his object inspired by Chinese art such as fish, tiger, Peony flowers, and others. Still, despite of his existence in the world of painting, Iwan feels need to learn more and be innovative. He believes to survive in the market he has to create the new innovation in painting; otherwise the market will leave him behind. The fierce competition in the market also gave him the lesson to be mentally strong. Back then, when he had created the solo exhibition, some of the painters undermine his piece of art severely.
The lesson learned from the incidence was that next time, he had to be mor e patience and be prepared in facing people’s opinion that probably against his taste of art.
Fortunately, his only son, Muhammad Kemal Putra Suhaya (8) is now trying to follow his steps as a painter. “I let him to paint anything. But still, when the time comes, I will ask him to be focus in one style of painting,” conclude Iwan, who was born in Batujajar, 26th January 1969.
Mon, 29 Oct 2012 - Sun, 09 Dec 2012
‘’Nuansa Keindahan’’ Iwan Suhaya Painting Exhibition At Hotel Borobudur Jakarta
Hotel Borobudur Jakarta for the second time hosts the venue for an exquisite painting exhibition by Iwan Suhaya at the Bogor CafĂ© Lobby from October 29 – December 9, 2012.Immersing himself for over 20 years in modern painting and specializing in painting plants and animals, Iwan Suhaya is also identical to Koi fish, Tiger, and Starling Bird paintings. You may have a look at his biography and fine artwork collections at http://iwansuhayafineart.weebly.com/biography.html
An Opening Ceremony of the exhibition will take place at the hotel on November 9, 2012 and attended by the painter’s honorable guests and will be opened officially by the newly elected Governor of DKI Jakarta, Mr. Joko Widodo.
Iwan Suhaya will contribute some of the revenue as a donation to Artha Graha Peduli foundation.